Volunteer Opportunities

Contact Maurya Sorokes, Manager of Accreditation, to learn more about the qualifications, expectations, and application process for any of the volunteer positions listed below.

Team Leaders

Serves as the designated representative from ACCSC’s membership that is responsible for evaluating the managerial and administrative capacity of a school. 

Education Specialist

Responsible for evaluating a school’s curriculum, pedagogy, instructor qualifications and training, staff development plan, Program Advisory Committees, and learning resource system.

Occupation Specialist

An industry professional who works in a related field for each grouping of program areas offered by the school and reviews educational materials, classrooms/labs, and equipment.

Progress Committee

Assists the Commission in determining compliance with applicable accrediting standards by facilitating the review and analysis of interim reports in areas such as student achievement, student services, PACs, and LRSs.

Program Review Committee

Reviews and analyzes associate, baccalaureate and master’s degree applications, as well as applications for distance education approval.

Financial Review Committee

Assists the Commission by facilitating the review and analysis of financial statements and all financial reports required to evaluate an institution’s financial soundness.

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