Schools to be
The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) has prepared and published a list of the schools that may be considered at its next Commission meeting.

Public Notice of
Commission Actions
Latest public notices of ACCSC’s accreditation decisions.

Important information and announcements regarding Commission activities and initiatives.

Actions taken when ACCSC has reason to believe an institution is not or may not be in compliance with accrediting standards.

Actions taken when ACCSC determines an institution is not in compliance with accrediting standards.

Withdrawal / Denial
Information about the actions taken by ACCSC to withdraw or deny accreditation of an institution.

Voluntary Withdrawals /
School Closures
Schools that have voluntarily withdrawn from ACCSC accreditation or have ceased to operate.

Call for
An invitation to review and comment on proposed changes to ACCSC’s standards and policies.

Official notice regarding final adoption and promulgation of revisions to, or, interpretive guidance pertaining to, ACCSC’s Rules and Standards.

ACCSC’s Continued Recognition by the U.S. Department of Education
The U.S. Department of Education, on behalf of the Secretary of Education, has again recognized ACCSC as a reliable authority concerning the quality of education or training offered by its accredited institutions and has extended ACCSC’s term of recognition to 2026.