The Accreditation Workshop provides an opportunity for participants to gain a better understanding of the Commission's standards and procedures, as well as to share experiences with other schools in the accreditation process.

Registration for accreditation workshops is available online only approximately 45 days prior to the scheduled workshop. Please e-mail for more information.


  • Schools currently accredited by ACCSC will begin the accreditation renewal process approximately one year prior to their renewal date by attending a Renewal of Accreditation Workshop.
  • Schools starting the renewal process will be assigned to attend a Renewal of Accreditation Workshop based upon their scheduled renewal date and location.
  • ACCSC staff will send accreditation renewal planning notices with the school’s assigned workshop date to ensure proper planning for school management, followed by an accreditation renewal notice with information on registering for the workshop along with applicable due dates approximately fifty (50) days prior to the workshop.
  • A school that is faithfully engaged in the renewal of accreditation process and meeting all requirements of that process continues to be accredited if the school’s term of accreditation has exceeded the period of time last granted by the Commission (Section VII (B)(6) Rules of Process and Procedure, Standards of Accreditation).


In order for this to be a meaningful training experience, participants registered to attend the upcoming Accreditation Workshop must download the Accreditation Workshop Materials and the current Standards of Accreditation. Participants are expected to have ready access to both documents at the workshop. ACCSC strives to be a paperless organization and as such does not print any workshop materials. Please ensure that you are downloading the correct materials for the workshop you are attending.

JULY 8-9, 2025